Books that have already been taken for banned book project: In Cold Blood, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, H.P. And the Sorcerer’s Stone, Cujo, Water for Elephants, Lolita, Slaughterhouse 5, Silence of the Lambs, H.P. and the Goblet of Fire, and The Hunger Games.
Remember: To officially reserve your book, you must turn in your signed letter!
Make your project creative! AHS has flip-cam's available to use in shooting your movie trailer's, as well as editing and voice over programs-just talk to Smith for more information!
We then watched two Youtube clips addressing the topic of how technology has changed education.
After that, we finished class working in our WONDER WOMAN groups! (DUE NEXT MON!!!)
Find a banned or challenged book (remember to make sure there is actual proof of WHY it's banned or challenged), Get a parent signature on your Banned Book Letter, work on those Wonder woman lyrics!!! And finally, read/annotate Harrison Bergeron.
On a funny note, click here for a WONDERFUL surprise!
-Brooke E P5
where are we supposed to find "the pedestrian"?