Monday, September 19, 2011

Smith Period 3


Mondays...the day students dread the most. Sauntering into Smith's classroom, tired and wishing the day was over, we wondered what task we might complete that could possible lighten our moods. The announcements came on and all talk of weekend adventures ceased.


The greeting of Mrs. Smith followed, then we discussed our homework for tonight. We were instructed to pull out our typed intro, 1st body paragraph, and 2nd body paragraph outline and set it in front of us. We played musical editing three times to edit each part of our homework.

After reviewing the comments on our papers, we started reading Macbeth Act 2. We finished reading scene 1 and discussed a quick summary of it. Basically, Macbeth hired two murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance so that Macbeth's monarchy would continue once he died. We finished reading scene 2 but did not have time to discuss it, so that is part of tomorrow's agenda.

Homework: blog post, SAT 4, and maybe work ahead on your essay

Have a wonderful Monday (or at least try to)!!!!!

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