Friday, September 9, 2011

Block 3 9/9/11

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, in a close and exciting place there was an English class taught by a teacher named Smith.......
Everybody loves Fridays- not even the prospect of two quizzes could damper our spirits.
The first thing we did upon entering the class was hand in our SAT 2 exercises. By now, we were grammatical experts. Next, we prepared to take the quiz. “Can we have extra credit?” Jacqueline remembered to ask. Smith handed out a sheet with all the SAT words, and all you could hear was the frantic scratching of pens as everyone dug in. As we turned in the SAT quiz, we picked up the hot pink sheet that was the Act 1 quiz of Macbeth. With the rapid speed of expert Shakespeare readers we completed the quiz.
    As Smith announced our next activity, everyone shared a hearty chuckle. Our assignment was to use the SAT 2 words to created Homecoming pick-up lines. Favorites included, “I know this may seem bland, but I would walk across a hundred shards of glass and buy a thousand baubles to win your hand to the dance” and “There’s no impediment I won’t cross to get to your heart”. After the two quizzes, this was exactly what we needed to unwind and have a little fun.  Suspicion runs rampant as to if any of the guys will overcome their chagrin and have the courage to use one of these lines.
    Homework includes the comparison paper outline of the intro and 1st body paragraph that is due on Monday. Remember to type it and print out before class. If you are really ahead of the game, or as Smith said, have an “Ahh” moment, go ahead and complete SAT 3 exercises for next Friday. Other than that, have a great weekend and don’t forget to support our football team today and the Varsity soccer team tomorrow! Below is a reminder on the structure of the intro and first body.

  • Attention getter- quote/ image
  • Explanation
  • Background info- bit about example text
  • Thesis- point your trying to make and why

  • Topic Sentence
  • Set up first point
  • Quote
  • Explanation
  • Transition
  • Set up second point
  • Quote
  • Explanation
           Repeat for two more quotes

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