Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Scribe for Wednesday September 14th

Scribe Sep. 14

Listened to announcements

Our homework is to blog post about “Murderous married couple”, sat work, in our comparison essay we need to write out first body and intro and outline second body paragraph by Monday.  Also there is the SAT test on Friday and also there is a Macbeth test on Friday and it is on act two.

Then we did some sat questions and discussed them

·         Improving paragraphs number 3- B. rewrite it in an active voice

·         Roots, prefixes, and suffixes number 2- translate: to bear across then the next blank was elated then the next blank is relate to them

·         Exercise 2 num 15-example “decided to bungee jumped over the river”

·         Roots, prefixes, and suffixes number four- integrity then the next blank is integrate then segregate

·         Exercise one part two- the land lord had a parochial on financial. . .


Then we watched another Macbeth scene, in a movie, and in this movie they show the murder scene. It was very cheesy. The scene was when Macbeth murdered King Duncan.

Then we discussed all of the three different movie scenes- the one that we watched today was way gorier with blood.  One of the versions that we saw yesterday seemed to be creepier because of the facial expressions that were on Macbeth’s face. 

A few notes over act two for the test on Friday

  • You need to know what a comic relief is.
  • Macbeth killed the king then killed the servants
  • God then Duncan then Malcolm then Donalbain then all of the thanes then you have Lenox, Ross Angus and Banquo. 
  • The trust between Macbeth and banquo is slowly crumbling, kind of how jack and Ralph were friends in the beginning of the book.
  • Macduff is suspicious of Macbeth killing the king
  • Lady Macbeth is challenging the system by not playing the original women’s role

Then we took down the posters in the room that said “hand, night, man, sleep, blood” and we made conclusions about haw these words effected the story.

This is all we did today and here is the homework again.

Our homework is to blog post about “Murderous married couple”, sat work, in our comparison essay we need to write out first body and intro and outline second body paragraph by Monday.  Also there is the SAT test on Friday and also there is a Macbeth test on Friday and it is on act two.

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