Monday, February 13, 2012

Period 05-13 February, 2012

At the start of class today, students arranged themselves according to the new seating chart. Smith went over homework, reminding us that tomorrow is the day that two more English teachers will be joining class to aid in editing our Little Brother/1984 essays. As this is focused editing, each student must bring in specific focused questions should they wish to have their paper edited. (e.g. I'm struggling with... and Does this fit here...?) Again, you will not receive this help unless you bring in focus questions!

Next, Smith answered some clarifying questions regarding the body paragraphs. She explained that while doing our works cited and internal documentations, the first word of the MLA 7 citation will be what goes in the corresponding internal documentation. In addition to this, she discussed the sources of supporting quotes. They must go as follows:
First (What we have learned): One 1984 quote, one Little Brother quote, and one modern quote
Second (What we haven't learned): One 1984 quote, one Little Brother quote, and one modern quote
Third (Where are we going?): All modern quotes

Before peer editing introductory, first, and second paragraphs, we received our new grammar sentences for the week and were introduced to participles. This part of speech can be used as an adjective or a noun though it is formed by verbs, as shown in the second sentence.

some (ind pron) of (prep) my (poss pron) friends (n) bought (av) me (prn) a (art) ticket (n) for (prep) the (art) concert (n)

ben (N) a (art) former (adj) student (n) at (prep) my  (poss pron) middle (adj) school (nearned (av) a (art) prestigious (adj) teaching (part) scholarship (n)

HW: Focus questions, outline/compose conclusion paragraph, and "America the Beautiful" CSAP packet

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