Tuesday, May 15, 2012



  1. I love the personal aspect of your TED Talk! Great job!

  2. Macy- You did a great job, even with no voice! I think that what you did takes a lot of strength and kudos to you!:)

  3. I am so happy you could talk about that. Its so hard to bring up religion, much less give an entire speech on it in school! That was amazing, and I am inspired to grow closer to my friends and to Him as well! Thanks for the amazing speech!

  4. Macy,
    YOU AMAZE and INSPIRE ME!!! I've watched you on your Journey and can truly see your connection and passion. Great job with your personal stories and the larger picture (What matters and changing the world). I'm so proud of you!!! Great job with the actual talking, I felt as if you were just talking with me at Starbucks:)

  5. Macy -
    I really like the personal stories and your relation back to your faith. I like how you said in order to change the world, we need to change ourselves.

  6. Macy - Your faith shines through you so much. You have made God smile today! You did awesome! This is very inspiring and I will take you up on the challenge. This was the best TED Talk by far! Wow, I am awed. Keep shining for Christ! - Grant

  7. Awesome job!! I think all the people who don't have a strong faith can still take something away from this. Very inspirational.

  8. Beautiful... just beautiful! Great job and not just on your TED talk, being able to push though the things you did! Amazing!

  9. Great Speech! Very inspirational! I will try to cut out the excess from my life but it will be hard!
